Things To Know Before Delivering Your Next Presentation As An Architect

In the dynamic world of architecture, the journey from conceptualizing a project to its actualization is riddled with challenges. One intriguing question that often arises is whether it is justified to require architects to present their designs in front of the Board before internal project approval. This practice introduces an element of doubt—does the direct involvement of the architect enhance the chances of project approval, especially when armed with their technical expertise? Furthermore, the ethical consideration of compensating architects additionally for these presentations adds another layer to the debate.

The Significance of Architectural Presentations

Architectural presentations are more than just showcases of aesthetically pleasing designs. They serve as a bridge between the vision of the architect and the understanding of the decision-makers on the Board. Presentations offer architects the opportunity to articulate the nuances of their designs, providing a comprehensive overview of the project’s technical aspects, innovative solutions, and potential challenges.

The Power of Technical Knowledge in Architectural Presentations

Architects are not merely artists; they are problem-solvers and innovators. Presenting their designs before the Board allows them to elucidate the technical intricacies that might go unnoticed in conventional project documentation. This direct engagement enables architects to communicate the rationale behind their design choices, the sustainable features embedded in the project, and how these factors contribute to the overall success of the endeavor.

Moreover, architects possess an intimate familiarity with the project’s intricacies, having been involved in its conception and development. This firsthand knowledge empowers them to address queries more effectively, respond to concerns promptly, and convey a sense of confidence that can be pivotal in influencing the Board’s decision.

The Doubt Factor: Does Architect-Led Presentation Increase Approval Odds?

The doubt that lingers is whether the presence of the architect during the presentation genuinely sways the Board’s decision in favor of project approval. Research suggests that such presentations can indeed be instrumental in bridging the communication gap between the technical aspects of a project and the understanding of non-technical stakeholders.

When architects are directly involved in the presentation, they can passionately convey the design intent, making a compelling case for the feasibility and uniqueness of their proposals. This direct interaction enhances the Board’s appreciation for the thought and effort invested in the project, potentially increasing the likelihood of obtaining internal approval.

Ethical Considerations: Additional Compensation for Presentations

While the benefits of architect-led presentations are evident, the question of whether architects should be compensated extra for this role introduces ethical considerations. Presenting before the Board requires additional time and effort, often beyond the scope of the architect’s initial agreement. Recognizing this, some argue that fair compensation for these presentations is justified, considering the value architects bring to the approval process.

On the flip side, critics argue that architects are already well-compensated for their expertise and that presenting before the Board should be considered part of their professional responsibilities. They contend that additional compensation may create a precedent that could lead to inflated project costs and set a potentially unsustainable practice within the industry.

Striking a Balance: A Win-Win Solution

In navigating this debate, it is crucial to seek a balanced approach that acknowledges the value of architect-led presentations while addressing the ethical concerns surrounding extra compensation. One potential solution is to incorporate presentation responsibilities into the architect’s initial agreement, with clear terms outlining the expectations and potential additional compensation for extraordinary efforts.

This approach ensures transparency and aligns expectations from the outset, mitigating the potential for disputes over compensation later in the project timeline. It also encourages architects to view presentations as integral to their role, fostering a sense of accountability and commitment to the success of the project beyond the drawing board.


In the ever-evolving landscape of architectural practice, the question of whether architects should present their designs before the Board for project approval is a multifaceted dilemma. While architect-led presentations can significantly enhance the chances of project approval, ethical considerations surrounding additional compensation add complexity to the debate.

Striking a balance between recognizing the value architects bring to presentations and addressing ethical concerns is crucial. By incorporating presentation responsibilities into the initial agreement and offering fair compensation for extraordinary efforts, the industry can foster a collaborative environment where architects are motivated to actively contribute to the success of their projects, from inception to approval.

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