Here’s Why Vernacular Architecture Should Be Called ‘Indian Architecture’.


Architecture is a reflection of culture, history, and societal values, and nowhere is this more evident than in the intricacies of Indian architecture. While the term “vernacular architecture” is often used to describe traditional building styles, there is a growing movement to reframe the conversation and honor the rich heritage embedded in India’s architectural traditions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the principles of Indian architecture, deeply rooted in VastuShastra and ancient scriptures, and make a case for embracing the term “Indian Architecture” as a more fitting descriptor.

The Central Courtyard: A Breath of Fresh Air

One of the fundamental principles guiding Indian architecture is the central courtyard. Unlike many contemporary designs, where spaces are closed off, the central space in traditional Indian homes is a courtyard, promoting the stack effect and facilitating better air circulation. This design philosophy creates a harmonious connection between the built environment and nature. The open courtyard acts as a lung for the house, allowing fresh air to flow through and creating a pleasant and comfortable living space.

The Verandah: A Shield Against the Elements

In Indian architecture, a verandah is not just an architectural feature; it’s a functional necessity. The verandah typically wraps around the house and has a roof overhang, strategically designed to shade the walls from the sun. This simple yet effective technique keeps the temperature inside the house cooler. The verandah serves as a transitional space, blurring the boundaries between the interior and exterior and encouraging a seamless interaction with nature. This thoughtful approach to design exemplifies the practical wisdom embedded in Indian architectural principles.

Directional Wisdom: Placing Essentials in Harmony with Nature

Another distinctive aspect of Indian architecture is the meticulous consideration of cardinal directions. According to VastuShastra, the placement of essential elements in a house, such as water tanks and granaries, is carefully determined by the direction of the sun. For instance, water tanks and granaries are often positioned in the southwest direction of the house. This strategic placement takes into account the sun’s trajectory, ensuring that the south zone, which receives the maximum heat, houses elements that can withstand and mitigate its effects. This nuanced understanding of solar dynamics demonstrates the precision and wisdom encapsulated in traditional Indian architectural practices.

Challenging Modern Trends: The Call for ‘Indian Architecture’

As we reflect on these principles, it becomes evident that the term “vernacular architecture” may not fully capture the depth and specificity of Indian architectural traditions. The principles outlined in VastuShastra and ancient scriptures offer a comprehensive guide to creating spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also inherently sustainable and harmonious with the environment.

Therefore, there is a compelling case for redefining our terminology. Instead of using a generic term, let’s embrace the uniqueness and cultural specificity of Indian architecture by simply calling it what it is – ‘Indian Architecture.’ This shift in language is not just about semantics; it’s about recognizing and celebrating a heritage that has withstood the test of time.

Preserving Cultural Identity:

Language shapes our perceptions, and the term ‘Indian Architecture’ encapsulates the cultural identity and historical significance embedded in every pillar and courtyard. It is a call to preserve and propagate a heritage that goes beyond mere construction – it is an art form, a living testament to the wisdom of our ancestors.

In a world dominated by contemporary Western architectural trends, it is crucial to assert the distinctiveness of Indian architecture. By using a term that reflects our cultural heritage, we not only pay homage to our roots but also inspire future generations to appreciate and continue the legacy of thoughtful and sustainable design.


In the realm of architecture, words matter. They carry the weight of history, culture, and identity. As we delve into the principles of Indian architecture guided by VastuShastra, we find a treasure trove of wisdom that has shaped our built environment for centuries. It is time to shed the generic and embrace the specific – let’s call it what it is, ‘Indian Architecture.’ By doing so, we honor our past, celebrate our present, and pave the way for a future where our architectural heritage remains a source of inspiration and pride.

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